How to and Why

  • Say Goodbye to Dangling Hooks

    By choosing hammerlocks and hooks that meet safety requirements and enhance the trailer's aesthetics, drivers can have peace of mind knowing their load is secure and their setup looks great on the road. This simple upgrade improves both safety and style for a smooth journey.
  • How to Extend a Short Chain for Safe Towing: Tips on Using Hammerlocks and Hooks

    When it comes to towing, having the right equipment is crucial for a safe and successful trip. One important component is the hammerlock, what do y...
  • Choosing the Right Hammerlock and Hook Size for Your Trailer

    It is important to know how to choose the right hammerlock and hook size, as making the wrong choice can lead to serious consequences. Here is a qu...
  • How to Assemble a Hammerlock

    Hammerlock is used as a chain extender on trailer chains, and when it hangs down, its space in the middle is larger than the original tow bar of t...